Lotus plants are tropical, and like most tropical plants they prefer warm conditions. The temperature should be above 75°F throughout the growing season. They also require plenty of water and will not do well if the soil is dry. The best way to provide them with this is in a large container. However, this isn’t always necessary as lotuses can grow in containers without drainage holes. It’s best to choose a container that is wide and deep enough to prevent the plant from overgrowing its container. Some people even create a header pond in their landscape and use it for lotus and other decorative aquatic plants that they can’t grow in the main pond.
When you’re ready to begin cultivating your bonsai lotus, select a location for the pond where it will receive full sun every day. This is important because lotuses will not grow or bloom without adequate sunlight.
Then, place the lotus tubers in a pot with sand and clay soil. Make sure to leave 3 to 4 inches of sand at the top of the soil mixture. This is to avoid burying the tuber, which will cause it to rot.
Once the sand is in, fill the rest of the container with water. Ensure the water is above the soil level, and don’t add any additional fertilizer because lotus are sensitive to overfeeding.
Once the sand is in, the lotus will start to grow and develop leaves. After a few days, it will start to send up sturdy leaf stalks that will float above the water’s surface.