Bonsai Olive Tree
Once you’ve selected a good container for your bonsai, it’s time to make a wonderful well-rotted soil mixture by mixing together fine sandy ground mix, fine pine bark, and bonsai fertilizer. This well-rotted soil mixture will mimic the soil that an olive tree would grow in, especially if grown in a tropical climate. The purpose of this is to assist in the development of strong root systems that will greatly contribute to a healthy tree. It is also to aid in container planting as it allows for an even distribution of nutrients throughout the container. Bonsai planting containers are not the only way to cultivate an olive tree, however.
Other Containers Other popular container choices for bonsai planting are redwood, cedar, evergreen, and grapevine. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but all offer a beautiful accent to any garden landscape. For containers used for bonsai, redwood and cedar are probably the best choice. Both trees are sturdy and adaptable, making them a great choice for both indoor and outdoor bonsai plants. Grapevines, on the other hand, do not branch out very far, while being a bit more delicate than the other two trees mentioned.
You can use either fine-grit or premium soil powder to prepare your soil mixture. Thereafter, plant your chosen bonsai trees and place them in their new containers. Water well and return periodically to ensure that your plants stay healthy. You’ll find that your efforts will pay off when you begin to observe your newly established bonsai olive tree blooming. When you want to enjoy the same breathtaking sight, you might even grow a few of your own!