If you’re not sure what to do with your bonsai tree in the winter, check out the following tips for bringing indoors your little tropical beauty. In addition to a few simple tips, tropical trees need a cool, moist environment year-round. Tropical bonsai trees can live indoors but should be kept away from heating vents and open windows. On the other hand, subtropical bonsai trees tolerate lower winter temperatures. You can keep subtropical trees indoors in a spare bedroom or warmer rooms.
When choosing a bonsai for your zone five home, make sure that it grows well in the climate you plan to live in. A good selection is a Swiss stone pine (P. cembra ‘Nana’) with blue-green leaves and a compact pyramidal habit. Snow roses should be planted in a location where the temperatures remain below 60degF. Aside from being able to survive winter temperatures, they also need to have bright light in their growing space. You should also prune your bonsai once it has six or eight leaves and repot it once a year.
For the best results, choose a bonsai that grows in a climate with at least four hours of light daily. In the winter, make sure you provide protection for your bonsai, including a humidity tray. A humidifier will also help your plant survive the cold. It’s also important to keep the soil moist at all times so that it stays healthy and happy. So, take care of your bonsai and enjoy it!