ZZ plant is a great addition to any home or office. It is a hardy plant that requires little care, and it is very adaptable to different light conditions. It is also one of the best houseplants to remove toxins from the air. In fact, the plant has been shown to remove significant amounts of xylene, toluene and benzene. Moreover, the plant has been known to reduce stress and increase concentration.
Like other indoor plants, zz plant benefits from regular misting and good drainage. In general, the potting mix used should be loose and free-draining. A mix of three parts houseplant compost with one part cacti and succulent compost would be ideal, as it will help improve the potting mix’s draining properties.
The plant has rhizomes under the soil that store water, which is why it can withstand long periods of drought. However, it is important not to let the soil dry out completely. Overwatering can lead to root rot and yellowing leaves. Generally, the plant should be watered about once every two weeks. However, it can be more frequent in warmer environments.
Propagation is easy with leaf cuttings. It will take a few months for the cutting to grow its own rhizome and roots, but it is a fun process to watch. Alternatively, the plant can be propagated through root division. It is recommended to divide the plant in spring as the outside temperatures will be rising and daylight hours will be longer.