When you go to choose your Bonsai Plant, you will find that there are a great many varieties to choose from. In reality, any plant that has a trunk and branches can become a Bonsai Plant.
A lot of people choose the tropical Bonsai Plant because they are beautiful and can be grown indoors all year around. Tropical Bonsai Plants include such plants as the as azalea, fig, bougainvillea, fuchsia.
Though tropical Bonsai Plants are popular, there are also other types that very closely resemble the full grown outside variety. These Bonsai Plants include such trees and shrubs as the elm, birch, apple, ginkgo, and spirea. These types of plants lose their leaves in the winter when the days grow shorter. They require cooler temperatures, but above freezing in the winter. In addition, they don’t need light when they don’t have any leaves.
When choosing a Bonsai Plant it is important to consider where it is you will be growing your plant before deciding on which type to get. The tropical Bonsai Plant can be grown in the window as long as you keep close tabs that the temperature is not getting too cold. These types of Bonsai Plants require a lot of light. If it does get too cold by the window, you may use a fluorescent light to help substitute for natural sunlight.
The Evergreen Bonsai Plant can be placed in a window during the winter and outdoors once the temperature is staying above freezing. These plants cannot be placed directly in the sun, but must be put in a shady place so that they do not die from too much heat.
Pruning your Bonsai Plant is important, as this is how you create the illusion of a mature, full-grown tree. If you are not adept at pruning and have never cared for your own Bonsai Plant, you may want to begin with the tropical Azalea Bonsai Plant. They are very adaptable to trimming and this will be helpful for you when you are first starting out with a Bonsai.
There are many different styles of Bonsai Plants, including the upright tree, the windswept Bonsai Plant, as well as the cascade and forest styles of Bonsai Plants. Before deciding on which style you would like to try and grow, it is a good idea to discover as much as you can about each type and how to care for them.