How Do You Kill Bonsai Fungus?
The Bonsai Fungus is a fungi that can be found on the leaves, shoots and roots of trees. The fungi are able to reproduce at a rapid pace, which is one of the reasons why Bonsai fungus has become an important part of Japanese culture. In the past few years the Bonsai fungus has been used to enhance the look of Bonsai trees. A Bonsai fungus can be removed by soaking the plant in warm water and then allowing it to dry out completely. Once the Bonsai fungus has been removed from the tree can be repeated and then placed in a saucer or container with the aid of a thin piece of plastic.
When growing Bonsai fungus, you should remember that they should always be kept as clean as possible, especially if they are going to be stored. They should also be treated immediately if they show any signs of mold or mildew. You can spray them with a special Bonsai fungicide when they start to appear, however it is not advisable to spray them all of the time as this can result in the growth of fungus on the branches and leaves. A general rule is that you should treat your Bonsai once a month, however if the tree is in particularly hot climates it is important to treat them more often. The application of a Bonsai fungicide will affect all Bonsai plants, so it is a good idea to place all of your infected Bonsais indoors when the pollen counts are high.
The use of a Bonsai fungicide is a good way of removing the unwanted spores from the tree and it is also used to repel insects from the area. As soon as a Bonsai fungus starts to grow you should remove all infected Bonsais from the growing area and keep them in a dark place. Make sure you disinfect the container you are storing the Bonsai tree in, and throw the container away after two days. Before you repot your Bonsai tree, it is a good idea to make sure it is growing well and that there are no other bugs or diseases inside the container. Once you report your tree you can repop it again later on in the autumn season, but only if you feel the tree is healthy enough to do so.