The Art of Bonsai Identification
Bonsai identification is a simple process that anyone can do, whether you are a beginner or an experienced starter. Bonsai identification is simply the process of being able to identify the type and sub-type of a particular bonsai tree and it really involves observing the leaves, fruit, flowers, bark and roots of a bonsai tree. There are some common mistakes people make when it comes to bonsai identification but by observing these things properly and being able to describe them to others will enable you to quickly identify what type of bonsai tree you have. Some of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to bonsai identification include:
Not knowing where your bonsai tree came from, in most cases people will just assume that it was somewhere in their backyard when in reality it could have actually been bought or brought from somewhere else. Another common mistake people make when it comes to bonsai tree care is thinking that if they have re-grown the top layer of soil then it should look exactly the same as it did before, this is completely wrong. It is extremely important to re-pot your bonsai tree each year because it will retain more vital nutrients than any new top layer of soil would. Your bonsai tree could literally last for years if you make sure to re-pot it.
Some other important tips for bonsai tree care include keeping your bonsai soil moist but not soggy; pruning your tree as soon as it starts to become weak; ensuring you don’t pinch the branches too hard; never wash your bonsai soil with water; placing rocks or cinder blocks underneath your bonsai tree; ensuring that you place fresh wood chips or charcoal near the base of your tree and finally, never prune your bonsai tree directly after it has been cut. If you follow the correct procedures and do not try to cut corners then you will be guaranteed a bonsai that is healthy, beautiful and will keep on looking good. Maintaining the quality of your bonsai soil by repotting it each year is very important because it will provide the nutrients to the tree. When you do add new soil to your bonsai soil make sure that you use a slow release fertilizer rather than a fast release one, this will help the soil to retain all the essential nutrients that your bonsai has needed to grow. There is nothing more frustrating than bonsai soil that has gone to waste because it was not fertilized properly.