The Bonsai Urn is a unique growing method which uses the ashes of your deceased loved one as a medium to grow a Bonsai plant in your own home. By purchasing the Bonsai Urn you have the option of three different colors: Beige, Dark Green, and Milk Chocolate. With this item you also receive a special starter pot in which you will get your first Bonsai plant. Once your plants have grown, they can be replanted in the Bonsai Urn to continue to grow and blossom.
Many people like to use bonsai trees simply for their beauty. Others love to cultivate them because of their unique personality, unique colors, and the natural shapes and forms they take. The Bonsai Urn can be used to accentuate your decor, or you may wish to use it simply as a stand-alone plant. The bonsai trees from which you are able to obtain the Bonsai Urn are truly amazing and you will not regret purchasing this gift. If you are looking for a special gift for someone you know, this is definitely the type of gift you want to consider.
You will find that the Bonsai Urn provides a unique way to remember that person. Each time you look at or remove your Bonsai tree from its Bonsai Urn, you will be reminded of the special time you spent together. There are many beautiful varieties of bonsai trees that can be grown in the Bonsai Urn; however the most common is the Cherry Blossom Dogwood. The Bonsai urn allows you to remember the wonderful memories you shared together and to keep your deceased loved one close to your heart. If you are searching for a unique way to honor the life of your departed loved one, then the patented growing system of the Bonsai Urn may be exactly what you are looking for.