A bonsai master uses a combination of plant material selection, wire training the branches if necessary, sometimes entwining trunks and judicious pruning and trimming to create a miniaturized view of nature. The genius of the art, however, lies in the mastery of the craft. The beginner may first mangle, mutilate and even kill a small juniper, but the secrets of bonsai are ultimately revealed through the self-revelation of experience.
Bonsai Mirai offers a variety of bonsai products, including trees, pots, tools and accessories for beginners to advanced collectors. This company strives to provide high-quality items for the bonsai enthusiast.
In the classroom, a “bonsai” school might be effective in helping students master standards and content, but it might lack opportunities for student agency and autonomy. In contrast, a “wildflower” school is centered on student interests and provides students with multiple avenues to pursue their passions.
Physical AI is getting traction in the agriculture industry with the recent launch of Visionsteer, a cloud-based platform that offers growers data insights, crop analysis, notifications, job planning and autonomous vehicle control for tree nut orchard applications. The software enables growers to reduce operating and capital equipment costs, improve productivity and gain new insights. The company claims that it is addressing the challenges of climate change, labor shortages and rising grower costs. It also hopes to provide new business models that will allow growers to take advantage of existing and emerging technology. The company has partnered with multiple hardware vendors and has deployed over 40 units for tree nut orchards in the United States.